Talk to Just Girls Gay Chat

Chatroulette Prank: Sexy Time Part 5 [Sexy Chef]

In this awesome and sadly, last episode of the series, the actor takes on the character of a sexy chef and sweeps the ladies off their feet (okay, maybe not…lol). But he definitely gives it his all, and although you may not see him physically writing down numbers, you know the ladies want to give them to him, I mean come on, he’s got moves for days! And I’m pretty sure at one point I saw a lady offer up her Facebook profile for a connection there, so that’s pretty much as good as a phone number am I right? Why call someone to talk when you can just like and comment on their Facebook statuses! Yea! Okay, getting off on a tangent there, back to the roulette video chat prank! If you haven’t seen the previous episodes you might want to start with the first one by clicking here. You’ll see a link at the bottom of the page to take you to episode 2, then another one to get to part 3, etc. you get the idea! Alright, now watch this video: