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Facebuzz Random Video Cam Chat

Facebuzz Random Video Cam Chat Facebuzz was launched right on the heels of Chatroulette back in 2010 as essentially an imitator with a new cool brand. The site features a pretty cool intro music video that highlights cool, crazy, and funny screenshots from roulette webcam chat services, and I think this does a pretty good job of getting a user immediately interested in giving Facebuzz a try. However, compared to when it first came out Facebuzz has declined in popularity significantly. It still has a relatively decent Alexa traffic ranking, but it’s nowhere near as good as it used to be.

On the plus side, it has a nice sleek design and pretty fast software behind it, so the user experience can be good if there are enough people online. Of course, as with any site like this, that is pretty much always the biggest IF, since if there aren’t enough users online you will just keep getting the same people over and over and it will get boring really quick. Anyway, I still think it’s worth at least giving Facebuzz a try, so check it out at (site no longer exists).